Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Le cinema est partout !

D'abord dans les salles de travail, avec des ecrans d'ordi assez enormes:

Et sur tous les murs de l'universite, lorsque ces petits panneaux nous rappellent que ce qu'on voit a la tele ici c'est plus que la realite :

First impressions

*it's wide !

it's amazingly wide. Almost one million people living here, and no house with more than two floors; each street is as wide as any french boulevard. It seems like streets were build and then one decided to put houses in the middle. Anyway, don't trust the map : a walk during which you have to cross only 4 streets can be a 20 min walk ...

*it's hot !
30-40 deg during the day, 25-35 during the night... when you wake up, it's not necessary to wonder wheter the wheater will be fine or not, you're sure the sun will shining... the only question is : will I survive until the night ? There are little water fontains almost everywhere, therefore it's not so complicated to walk through the university, but I feel always thirsty, all day long.

tucson :


Quelques photos :


ma rue :

mon taf :

un parc : )

photos aeriennes :

londres :

depart :